Your New Jersey Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer on Setting Bail and Conditions

Your New Jersey Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer on Setting Bail and Conditions

If you have been arrested for a criminal offense, it is important to understand what the judge will be considering when setting your bail. Your Trenton federal criminal defense lawyer understands how important it is that you remain out of custody while fighting your case, and will work to keep bail low with minimal conditions.

Your New Jersey Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer on Violent Crime Charges

In the case of violent crimes, public safety is generally the main concern for the judge. If you are freed on bail, you may pose a danger to the community. Thus, violent crimes are often coupled with high or no bail. It will be the job of your Trenton federal criminal defense attorney to convince the judge that there are other fitting options, such as house arrest, a curfew, or constraints regarding contact with alleged victims or witnesses. Your attorney may also suggest that the prosecution has a weak case that is not likely to result in a conviction as justification for a lower bail requirement.

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Your New Jersey Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer on Drug Charges

Defendants in drug cases often run into issues even if they have secured bail, as they often do not have a legal source of income. If the judge does set a monetary bail that you will be unable to make, your Trenton federal criminal defense attorney may propose the use of property or a suretor as viable alternatives. To ease the judge’s concern about any flight risk or public safety issue, your attorney may also offer conditions on your bail. The conditions your Trenton federal criminal defense lawyer will recommend may include regular in-person appearances, the use of GPS tracking, or house arrest.

A New Jersey Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help

Any arrest is a cause for concern, but facing violent or drug charges is especially serious. There are usually severe consequences that accompany convictions of this sort, so it is important to find a Trenton federal criminal defense attorney that you trust. If you have been arrested, call Tim Anderson today at 732-212-2812.

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