Mortgage Fraud

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Mortgage Fraud

Mortgage fraud, also known as real estate fraud, includes:

  • Lying on a mortgage application, if you are a home buyer;
  • Submitting loan documents that you know are falsified, if you are a mortgage broker;
  • Engaging in a transaction with someone who is in foreclosure, and that transaction is intended to defraud that person, if you are a real estate investor.

The government often assumes in a fraud case that a false statement is a knowingly false statement.

It’s important for you to have a lawyer who has the knowledge and skill to evaluate whether the government can prove what they say they can prove.

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What are the Mortgage Fraud Laws?

Mortgage-related criminal cases range from fraud allegedly committed by an individual borrower for the purpose of obtaining a loan to fraud-for-profit schemes that involve institutions or industry insiders.

Typically, mortgage fraud is committed by borrowers, brokers, lenders, or others during the mortgage origination process.

The crime of mortgage fraud, however, only takes place if omissions are intentionally made or false information is intentionally submitted.

Accidental mistakes don’t constitute a crime. The key is whether there was criminal intent to commit fraud.

Proving Mortgage Fraud
Types of Mortgage Fraud – For Housing & For Profit
Mortgage Fraud – Equity Skimming
Mortgage Fraud – Foreclosure Rescue Scams
Mortgage Fraud – Property Flipping
Statute of Limitations
Possible Penalties
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