Trenton White Collar Crime Lawyer

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Trenton White Collar Crime Lawyer

When it comes to white-collar crimes, they are usually motivated by the desire for personal financial gain rather than an intent to commit violence or harm another individual. Still, facing these charges can be frightening as they come with potentially steep penalties. These crimes can be prosecuted at the federal level, which makes them even moreoverwhelming. In these precarious legal situations, you need the guidance of an experienced Trenton white-collar crime lawyer.

Even though typical white-collar crimes are not violent, like acts of assault or murder, they still can call for extreme punishments, including jail time, restitution, and hefty fines. At Tim Anderson Law, we have over three decades of experience assisting individuals who are facing charges of white-collar crimes, which are often handled at the federal level. We understand the complex laws and procedures of federal prosecutions and federal court.

Whatever kind of alleged white-collar crime or charge you are facing, our team is ready to come alongside you and work to secure a solid defense that protects your rights, your reputation, your freedoms, and your future. You can count on us to review your situation and craft a defense that stands up in both state and federal courts. We understand how one simple act or a small lack of judgment can turn into a situation you never thought possible, and we are here to help you every step of the way.

White-Collar Crimes in Trenton, New Jersey

The term “white-collar crime” is used to describe illegal actions committed most commonly by individuals in business sectors or those employed in governmental bodies. Some of the most common white-collar crimes seen in Trenton, New Jersey include the following:

  • Embezzlement. In most cases, embezzlement occurs when an individual in a position of financial trust takes money from another individual or business that has placed those funds into the management or care of the alleged offender. For example, a bookkeeper for a business who skims proceeds off the top of the business’s profit could be charged with embezzlement.
  • Insurance fraud. If you misrepresent your health to your insurance company or misuse your policy for your own financial gain, or falsify information on a claim for insurance, you may be accused of committing insurance fraud. For example, if a person sets fire to their home in order to reap the financial benefits of cashing in on an insurance policy, they can be charged with insurance fraud.
  • Credit card fraud. This form of white-collar crime can includemisusing a debit or credit card that has been entrusted to you, such as that for business purposes; or,creating fake credit cards or using stolen cards or stolen credit card numbers or stolen personal identifying information to falsely obtain a credit card, you could be accused of committing some form of credit card fraud.
  • Money laundering. This crime occurs when a business or individual takes funds obtained in an illegal manner and processes them through a series of complex bank or commercial transactions in order to conceal their origin. Quite often, money laundering schemes can also involve other forms of fraud, meaning that additional charges may be added during an investigation.
  • Forgery. While a charge of forgery is often associated with falsifying documents or signatures, it can also include altering the data or information of another individual or business. Additionally, forgery charges can arise when an individual creates a false business entity in order to procure monetary funds for their own personal gain.
  • Securities fraud. Insider trading is one of the most common forms of securities fraud seen in Trenton, New Jersey. Often, insider trading occurs when information that is supposed to remain confidential is used to make investment trades that violate the duties of a securities company.  Securities fraud may also occur when false information is used to inflate the price of a stock or of a business for sale.
  • Counterfeiting. The charge of counterfeiting can arise when an individual or business entity is allegedly guilty of creating, manufacturing, and distributing falsified representations of currency or goods for profit. The act of counterfeiting is often charged at the federal level and will be prosecuted in a federal court. In these cases, it is vital that you retain the services of an experienced federal criminal defense attorney.
  • Fraud. There are several types of fraud that can arise in the state of New Jersey. These can include mail fraud, internet fraud, tax fraud, wire fraud, and telemarketing fraud. Fraud typically involves the use of misinformation to deceive individuals or businesses in order to obtain monetary funds for personal gain.

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How Tim Anderson Law Can Help You

When you are facing a charge of white-collar crime in Trenton, New Jersey, you need the assistance and legal guidance of a qualified criminal defense attorney. At Tim Anderson Law, our team has been defending individuals facing white-collar crime charges for over 30 years. We understand the unique complexities of the laws surrounding these crimes and are ready to use this knowledge and experience to craft a solid defense strategy for you.

As soon as you walk through our doors for your initial consultation, we begin working on your case by reviewing the details of the allegations or charges brought against you and subsequently launching our own review and investigation. We gather evidence to support your defense and counteract the supposed evidence on the side of the prosecution.

We understand just how difficult these times are and how uncertain you may be feeling in regard to your future. While the penalties for white-collarcharges can be severe, we hope to offer legal guidance and counsel that can educate and inform you of your options and secure the most favorable case outcome that protects your rights, reputation, freedoms, and future.

Penalties for White-Collar Crimes in New Jersey

Though white-collar crimes are typically nonviolent, they can still come with harsh penalties. The most common of these penalties can include the following:

  • Prison time. Although prison time for white-collar crimes is typically served in a low-security facility, it is still a loss of your personal freedoms. Time spent in prison for these crimes can be extensive, which is why having an experience attorney on your side is imperative, as these individuals can work to prevent or lessen prison sentences associated with white-collar crimes.
  • House arrest. If you become convicted of a white-collar crime, being placed under house arrest is a potential alternative to a prison sentence. In these situations, you will be likely be required to wear an ankle monitor at all times, and your ability to venture outside your home or other boundary will be limited. You may also have limited time to spend on electronic devices, such as a computer or personal cell phone.
  • Probation. If you are sentenced to probation, you will have more freedoms than a prison sentence, but even those freedoms will be limited. There would be certain requirements made of you that you need to fulfill, such as checking in with a probation officer on a regular basis. If you miss a meeting, you could face arrest.
  • Restitution. This involves repaying the money that is owed to your alleged victims during the course of your alleged crime. Even after all restitution is paid, you may still be required to pay additional fines and penalties, including possible forfeiture of financial assets or property, which could see you facing extreme financial hardship of your own. This is another reason why having an experienced attorney handling your case is vital.
  • Fines. The fines following the conviction of a white-collar crime can range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or more, depending on the nature and severity of the crime that was committed.


What Evidence Can Be Used in a White-Collar Crime Defense?

The most common forms of evidence that can be used in a white-collar defense ultimately depend on the kind of crime you are being charged with but can include items such as texts, emails, bank account statements, pay stubs, call logs, and internet activity. Your attorney can review your case and determine which forms of evidence might impact your case.

What Are Some Defenses for White-Collar Crime?
How Much Does a White-Collar Crime Lawyer Charge?
How Long of a Jail Sentence Can You Get for a White-Collar Crime?

Speak With an ExperiencedCriminal Defense Attorney in Trenton Today

If you face charges of white-collar crimes in Trenton, New Jersey, the team at Tim Anderson Law is here to help. Contact our offices today to schedule your initial consultation and learn more about how we can help you.

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