New Jersey Insurance Fraud Lawyer

New Jersey Insurance Fraud Lawyer

If you have been charged with the crime of insurance fraud, you will want to work closely with a New Jersey insurance fraud lawyer. Insurance fraud includes a wide variety of crimes such as receiving improper payments, making exaggerated claims and submitting false claims. The penalties for insurance fraud can range from monetary fines to significant prison time.

Types of Insurance Fraud

Some common types of insurance fraud that a New Jersey insurance fraud lawyer deals with includes:

  • Health Insurance Fraud. These acts of health insurance fraud may be committed by patients, doctors and even hospitals themselves. Victims of health insurance fraud can include insurance companies and government entities like the Social Security Administration and Medicare.
  • Auto Insurance Fraud. Individual policy holders may submit false and exaggerated claims. Auto repair companies may also bill for extravagant, unnecessary and overvalued service.
  • Disaster Fraud. When there is a natural disaster like an earthquake or flood, individuals may take advantage and submit false claims.
  • Workers’ Compensation Fraud. Employees may be untruthful when reporting injuries at the workplace. They may submit claims for fake injuries as well embellish the severity of job limitations.

Contact Our Tim Anderson Law

Punishment for Insurance Fraud

There are two broad categories of insurance fraud including “soft fraud” and “hard fraud.” Soft fraud can include acts like making exaggerations on a claim and billing for more services than you received.

Hard fraud includes arguably more serious acts like inventing a claim or even staging an accident. Hard fraud penalties can include lengthy prison sentences, substantial fines, forfeiture, restitution and other penalties.

Contact a New Jersey Insurance Fraud Attorney

The penalties for insurance fraud can be severe. As a result, you will want to work with an experienced insurance fraud defense attorney. To learn how attorney Tim Anderson can assist you, contact him at 732-212-2812.

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