Facing Federal Charges?: How to Find Quality New Jersey Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Facing Federal Charges?: How to Find Quality New Jersey Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Federal criminal charges can carry extensive penalties, including lengthy prison sentences or major financial consequences. Moreover, the presence of a federal offense on one’s criminal record can preclude that person from obtaining an employment position or gaining admission to an academic institution. To avoid these results, working with a New Jersey federal criminal defense lawyer throughout the process is essential – but, what should a criminal defendant look for when contacting New Jersey federal criminal defense attorneys?

Understanding Criminal vs. Civil Representation

If you are facing your first criminal offense and are looking for representation, it helps to understand the differences between New Jersey federal criminal defense attorneys and those attorneys that practice predominantly civil work. A civil attorney is one who represents clients in individual, private lawsuits. These generally involve a personal injury, allegations of civil monetary fraud or a breach of contract. By contrast, a criminal defense attorney defends against criminal charges filed by the state or federal government under the applicable penal code. The government is the plaintiff and the accused is the defendant. When choosing a New Jersey criminal defense attorney for a federal case, your best bet is to select a representative who focuses almost 100 percent on federal criminal defense work.

Contact Our Tim Anderson Law

Experience is Vital

When choosing a New Jersey federal criminal defense lawyer– even if he or she practices in other areas – the key component is experience. Does your attorney have a background in defending federal crimes? Has your attorney successfully defended others facing similar charges? If the answer to these questions is “yes,” you are likely in good hands. However, if your attorney is experienced mostly in civil litigation, and has never defended against federal fraud or drug crimes, you may want to keep searching for an advocate with a more finely-tuned focus on federal criminal defense.

Choose an Attorney with whom You Feel Comfortable

The best attorney-client relationship is one in which both sides feel comfortable with open, honest and candid conversation. While there are many New Jersey federal criminal defense lawyers available, only a select few will make you feel comfortable and respected. When selecting your lawyer, choose someone who speaks to you using clear, understandable language –showing a general desire to help you with your criminal case.

Find The Right Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

For a New Jersey federal criminal defense lawyer who meets these criteria – and more – please contact attorney Tim Anderson at 732-212-2812 right away.

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