Camden Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Camden Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

Facing criminal charges of any kind can be challenging. When these charges are prosecuted in a federal court, the uncertainty and anxiety about your future and freedoms often grow. Navigating federal courts requires an understanding of this complex legal landscape, and having an experienced Camden federal criminal defense lawyer is essential to protecting your rights.

For over 30 years, the team at Tim Anderson Law has aided individuals facing a wide range of federal criminal charges and hasworked to secure the most positive outcome for their cases. We understand the delicacy with which these charges need to be treated and how serious they are. Your very future is on the line when it comes to federally investigated and prosecuted charges, and we are here to do everything in our power to ensure that your future is maintained and protected.

From the moment you contact us, our team is ready to listen to your side of the story and truly cares about you and your freedom. No matter the nature of the potential crime you are facing, we are here to fight for you.

Defining a Federal Crime in Camden, NJ

Federal crimes can prove to be tricky to defend, as they require in-depth knowledge of various federal and state laws. Thankfully, the team at Tim Anderson Law has the knowledge necessary to defend you and protect your rights and freedoms.

A case can end up in federal court for many reasons, the most common and basic of which is the allegation that the crime was committed in a way that violated a federal regulation, law, or statute.

A crime may also be prosecuted at the federal level if it was allegedly committed on federal property, such as a building owned by a federal agency or a military base. Additionally, federal charges may apply if the crime involves any of the following:

  • The crime was committed via the US postal or mail service, the internet, or some other government-regulated instrument.
  • The crime was committed while state lines were crossed at some point during the alleged crime.
  • The crime involved a federal agency or law enforcement officer.

Contact Our Tim Anderson Law

When a crime allegedly involves any of these factors, you need a formidable defense that can stand up against the prosecution’s alleged evidence and work to ensure your rights, freedoms, and future are protected. Federal cases can be complex, and the courts that try these cases often have their own set of regulations and procedures. This is one of the many reasons why you need an experienced attorney who understands how crimes are investigated, charged, and prosecuted by federal authorities.

The most common crimes charged at the federal level can include the following:

  • Money laundering. This crime occurs when an individual or group of individuals try to conceal the origins of certain funds, usually, those obtained under a separate crime, by passing these funds through a series of complex and complicated bank transactions. These can also have severe penalties, and a skilled lawyer is required to defend the individual facing such charges.
  • Counterfeiting. When an individual is allegedly guilty of producing false currency or false representations of certain goods, this is considered counterfeiting and can be charged at the federal level. These charges, when successfully prosecuted, often come with steep penalties.
  • Human trafficking. These crimes typically take place as a symptom of organized crime and often involve alleged illegal immigration or the illicit sex industry, such as prostitution. This crime usually comes with other associated charges, and it is vital that you hire an experienced attorney who understands the nuances of all the charges involved in the case.
  • Kidnapping. If a kidnapping occurs under certain circumstances, such as when the kidnapper transports the victim across state borders, this crime can be charged federally. Such crimes can have steep penalties.
  • Bank robbery. Bank robberies may be charged at the state level within the state they occurred. However, if the bank in question is part of the Federal Reserve or is nationally chartered, as is common, this crime can be prosecuted at the federal level.
  • White-collar crimes. There are several white-collar crimes, or nonviolent crimes of a financial or digital nature, which can be prosecuted at the federal level, including tax evasion, counterfeiting, money laundering, mail fraud, wire fraud, or internet fraud, among others. Additionally, if a crime such as embezzlement or bribery happens at a federal agency or involves federal employees, these crimes can be prosecuted at the federal level.


How Much Does a Federal Defense Lawyer Cost?

It can be difficult to offer an exact number as to how much it may cost to hire an experienced federal criminal defense lawyer in the state of New Jersey, as each case is different, and so is each attorney. However, there are common factors that can influence the cost of an attorney in a federal criminal case. These factors include the duration and complexity of the case, the nature of the charges, and the experience of your attorney.

When Do I Need a Federal Defense Lawyer?
How Can a Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer Help Me?
How Long Does a Federal Criminal Case Last?

Speak With a Seasoned Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Today

If you are facing federal criminal charges in Camden, New Jersey, the team at Tim Anderson Law is here to help. Allow us to come alongside you during this difficult time and work to create an appropriateand effective defense that stands up against these charges. Contact our offices today for more information.

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