A New Jersey Federal Defense Attorney Discusses Racketeering

A New Jersey Federal Defense Attorney Discusses Racketeering


Individuals charged with racketeering face very serious criminal penalties. If you have been charged with racketeering, a Camden federal criminal defense attorneycan assist you throughout the criminal process and help you defend the charge.

Overview of Racketeering

Generally, a racketeering offense means that an individual engaged in a fraudulent scheme or enterprise for an illegal profit. A New Jersey federal criminal defense lawyer can tell you that most of the time, federal prosecutors bring racketeering charges under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

Because racketeering has such a broad definition, a New Jersey federal criminal defense attorney usually sees a RICO charge thrown in with other white collar crimes like computer crimes, identity theft, and fraud.

Racketeering charges can be very complex and you will want to work with a New Jersey federal criminal defense attorney to defend against the charges. If you try to take on the case yourself or work with inexperienced counsel, you could face very serious penalties.

Contact Our Tim Anderson Law

Penalties for a Racketeering Charge

A New Jersey federal criminal defense lawyer can tell you that the specific penalties you face for a racketeering charge depend upon the facts of your case. However, there are some common penalties that racketeering defendants face:

  • Federal imprisonment
  • Forfeiture of illegal gains
  • Monetary fines
  • Order to pay restitution to the victims harmed
  • Civil penalties including being sued by the victims
  • Losing your job and reputation

As you can see, you will want to fight a racketeering charge with an experienced New Jersey federal criminal defense attorney to avoid the most serious penalties.

Defenses to a Racketeering Charge

There are several possible defenses to a racketeering charge that a New Jersey federal criminal defense attorney may use. These potentially include:

  • Proving that prosecutors failed to meet the elements of the case
  • Showing that the defendant is innocent
  • Demonstrating that the authorities violated police procedures or committed other errors

Depending upon the circumstances of your case, a New Jersey federal criminal defense attorney can explain to you other potential defenses you may have.

Contact a New Jersey Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you have a question about a federal racketeering charge, contact New Jersey federal criminal defense attorney Tim Anderson at 732-212-2812.

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